If you have a question on how to use this site, just write here and we'll try to answer.


If you have any problems or bad things happen in your life, (like a family member's death) here is where you ask your fellow friends to pray for you to recover from the situation.


This is where you just talk to everyone about anything.
What was your life like in the last few days?


Discuss how much Jesus Christ matters to you in your life.
You can also talk about how church is for you.


Tell each other about your favorite games, online or off.


Talk about how school is for you right now.


    Jordan here! You can talk to me or make compliments about the site right here on this Blogging page.
    To make a post, click on new post, right topic at the top, then in the last box where it says to start writing, type what you want to say! Then click Publish Live.
    It's that easy!
    So remember...Post! Post! Post!


    A new website maker who is a BIG fan of Bionicles, and has a great mind for the Lego Star Wars!


    April 2009



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